The Club is responding to feedback regarding communication. The feeling was that there were too many emails. This single email on Tuesdays is our first attempt at reformatting. Please let us know what you think. The email is large, but hopefully you are able to find everything you need to know about what's happening at FHFC. Please note that at the end of the email the Hours of Operation are listed as well as Calendar Events. There, you can download a Club calendar for the month of April. Hardcopies of that calendar will be available at the Front Desk. The log-in area of our website will also be updated in the short term. We also plan to add a blog for both the Clubhouse and Pro Shop to keep the membership informed without inundating inboxes.
One of the items on the Calendar is the Welcome Back Cocktail Party. The Club is hosting the event for all members this Sunday from 4pm to 7pm. Complimentary Hors d'Oeuvres (the really nice ones!) will be served while the sounds of Russ Bonagura fill the air. Just prior at 3pm, new members are invited to join us for an orientation to cover all the nuances of The Hill.
Look forward to seeing you there!
Cheryl Veltman
General Manager